Parent Code of Conduct
Parent Code of Conduct

Parent Code of Conduct
The purpose of the KC Fire FC is to offer children the opportunity to participate in the game of soccer, with the emphasis on enjoying the game of soccer, learning the life lessons the game will teach them and practicing good sportsmanship. The support of parents is crucial to the success of each child.
While most of our parents are well behaved and understand soccer is a game, it is important to remind parents of core attributes and behavior that KC Fire FC believes is critical to the success of our players.
-I will tell my child “I enjoy watching you play” as often as possible
-I will let the children play the game and continuously encourage them
-I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team
-I will respect the referees and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or criticize their decisions during a game
-I will not discuss a game, a play or a strategy with a COACH for at least 24 hours after the game
-I will not discuss a game, a play or a strategy with a PLAYER for at least 24 hours after the game